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Phone Number*
Best time to call* —Please choose an option—ASAPIn 10 minsIn 30 minsIn 1 hourIn 2 hoursIn 3 hoursNext business morningNext business afternoonNext weekNext month
Budget?* —Please choose an option—$1,500 - $3,000$3,000 - $5,000$5,000 - $8,000$8,000 - $12,000$12,000 - $20,000Lease
What size is your business?
Do you have a brand preference?* —Please choose an option—CanonRicohKonicaXeroxSuggest a model for me
Do you need a Black and White or Color Multi-Function Copier?* —Please choose an option—Black and WhiteColor
Any additional comments (e.g. current model number, copier speed, type of business, etc)
Call us at (562) 777-4540 or email us at to get a FREE consultation and discuss your digital copier needs.